Our Commitment to being

By choosing STSUK, you also choose our planet. 

Keep your usage low.


One of the main reasons equipment efficiency drops and the energy consumption goes up is the failure to maintain the equipment.

The major challenge of optimisation is implementing a maintenance plan, which maximises the availability and efficiency of the equipment, controls the rate of deterioration, ensures safe and environmentally friendly operation.

We created a maintenance package, so you don’t have to worry about that; you can read more here.

Display chiller refrigerator

Reduce your energy usage.


There’s an old phrase; buy cheap, pay dear.

We carefully select the equipment we install so that our clients use energy as efficiently as possible. That means we may not always be the cheapest cost, but we help our clients make the best investment.


Get a quote here.

Reuse and repair rather than replace.


Rather than replace your equipment, we always look for an opportunity to repair it whenever it is economically viable to do so.

Words are cheap, we let case studies do our talking.